Fatawa Islamiyah : Islamic Verdicts (Vol-2) /
Shaykh Abdul-Aziz Abdullah bin Baz
- Vol.2
- London Darussalam 2001
- 479, p .:
The Book of Taharah (Ritual Purification) (Page-17), Wudha Tayammum and Ghusl (Page-43), Wiping Over the Socks (Page-98), Al-Haidh (Menstruation) and –Nifas (Posatpartum Bleeding) (Page-107), The Athan and the Iqamah (Page-124), The Description of the Prayer and its Rulings (Page-138), Remembarance After Prayer (Page-261), Forgetfulness in Prayer (Page-268), The Prostration of Recitation (Page-280), The Prayer of the Traveller (Page-421), The Prayer of the Sick Person (Page-439), The Friday Prayer and the Two EID Prayers (Page-442).