Code Making(E BOOK) How Software Engineering Became a Profession
Michael Davis
- Chicago Illinois Institute of Technology 2009
- 401p
Table of Contents Preface 4 Chapter 1: This History, Professions, and their Ethics 12 Part One: Slow Starts and Wrong Turns Chapter 2: Before SEEPP, 1968-1994 25 Chapter 3: SEEPP Begins, 1994 44 Chapter 4: Failing—by the book, 1995 68 Chapter 5: Version 1, The Miracle of ’96 90 Chapter 6: The High Politics of 1996 126 Part Two: 1997—Three Versions in One Year Chapter 7: Winter Whirlwind, Version 2.0 156 Chapter 8: English Spring, Version 2a-2.1 194 Chapter 9: Back in the USA, Version 3 237 Chapter 10: Slogging toward “Version 4.DONE” 271 Part Three: Looking for Closure Chapter 11: The Long Process of Approval, 1998 312 Chapter 12: End Game, Version 5.2, 1999-2000 354 Epilogue: Lessons for Code Writers, Theorists, and Researchers 374 4