Hart, David M..

The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy (E-Book) Governance, Start-Ups, and Growth in the U.S. Knowledge Economy / [Elektronisk resurs] : Edited by David M. Hart. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003 - 1 online resource (308 p.) : digital, PDF file(s).

1 Entrepreneurship Policy:What It Is and Where It Camefrom (Page-3) David M. Hart 2 Entrepreneurship Policy and the Strategic Management of Places (Page-20) David B. Audretsch 3 Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Regional Economic Growth (Page-39) Richard Florida part two high-tech entrepreneurship: the university-industry-government connection 4 Start-ups and Spin-offs: Collective Entrepreneurship Between Invention and Innovation (Page-61) Philip E. Auerswald and Lewis M. Branscomb 5 Entrepreneurship and American Research Universities: Evolution in Technology Transfer (Page-92) Maryann P. Feldman 6 America’s Entrepreneurial Universities (Page-113) Nathan Rosenberg part three equity issues in entrepreneurship policy 7 Venture Capital Access: Is Gender an Issue? (Page-141) Candida G. Brush, Nancy M. Carter, Elizabeth Gatewood, Patricia G. Greene, and Myra M. Hart 8 Minority Business Assistance Programs Are Not Designed to Produce Minority Business Development (Page-155) Timothy Bates part four sector-specific issues 9 Understanding Entrepreneurship in the U.S. Biotechnology Industry: Characteristics, Facilitating Factors, and Policy Challenges (Page-175) Andrew A. Toole 10 E-Commerce, Entrepreneurship, and the Law: Reassessing a Relationship (Page-1950 Viktor Mayer-Sch¨onberger 11 Entrepreneurship and Government in Telecommunications (Page-214) Eli M. Noam part five implementing entrepreneurship policy 12 Knowledge, Power, and Entrepreneurs: A First Pass at the Politics of Entrepreneurship Policy (Page-227) David M. Hart 13 Entrepreneurship as a State and Local Economic Development Strategy (Page-240) Erik R. Pages, Doris Freedman, and Patrick Von Bargen Afterword(Page- 260)

Mode of access: World Wide Web.

123456 9780511610134 (ebook)

Entrepreneurship--Government policy--United States
High technology industries--Government policy--United States
Knowledge management--United States

The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy E-Book
