TY - GEN AU - US Army Ordnance, Missile and Munitions Center and School TI - Military Basic Electronics E-Book U1 - 355 N1 - LESSON 1: ELECTRON THEORY AND MAGNETISM (TASKS: ANY MISSILE REPAIRER TASK), 1 Electron Theory, 1 Basic Concepts of Matter, 1 Molecules, 1 Atoms, 2 Ions and Ionization, 3 Static Electricity, 3 Conductors and Insulators, 8 Distribution of Charges on Objects, 8 Electrostatic Shielding, 9 Magnetism, 9 History and Definition, 10 Forces Between Poles, 10 Magnetic Fields, 12 Terrestrial Magnetism, 14 Theory of Permanent Magnets, 15 Electromagnetism, 16 REVIEW EXERCISES, 22 LESSON 2: CIRCUITS (TASKS: ANY MISSILE REPAIRER TASK), 27 An Electric Circuit, 27 Terminology, 27 Kinds of Circuits, 28 Electrical Measurements, 28 Coulomb, 28 Ampere, 29 Ohm, 29 Volt, 29 Watt, 29 Practical Values of Electrical Terms, 29 iii MM 0703 Electromotive Force, 29 Current, 30 Resistance, 30 Fixed, 30 Adjustable, 31 Variable, 31 Laws, 32 Ohm's Law, 32 Kirchoff's Laws, 34 Power, 38 Special-Case Problem Solving, 39 REVIEW EXERCISES, 44 LESSON 3: DIRECT AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS (TASKS: ANY MISSILE REPAIRER TASK), 49 Definition, 49 Direct Current, 49 Alternating Current, 49 History, 50 Generation of Current and Voltage by an AC System, 60 Principles, 50 Generation of AC Voltage, 52 Graphic Representation of AC, 55 Frequency of AC Voltage and Current Waves, 59 Angular Motion, 60 Amplitude, 61 Determining Amplitude, 61 Effective AC Voltage, 62 Phase, 63 Combining AC Voltage, 66 REVIEW EXERCISES, 68 iv MM 0703 LESSON 4: CAPACITANCE AND INDUCTANCE (TASKS: ANY MISSILE REPAIRER TASK), 72 Capacitance, 72 Measure of Capacitance, 73 Physical Characteristics, 74 Series Connection, 75 Parallel Connection, 76 Capacitive Reactance, 76 Phase Relationship in a Pure Capacitive Circuit, 80 Types of Capacitors, 80 Inductance, 84 Unit of Induction, 87 Phase Relationship in a Pure Inductance, 88 Inductive Reactance, 88 Series and Parallel Connection of Inductors, 90 Factors Determining Size of Inductance, 91 Series Resistive and Capacitive Circuits, 92 Power Dissipation in RC Circuits, 94 Effect of Frequency Change in RC Circuits, 96 Series Resistive and Inductive Circuits, 96 Power Dissipation in RL Circuits, 97 Effect of Frequency Change in RL Circuits, 98 REVIEW EXERCISES, 99 END-OF-SUBCOURSE EXAMINATION, 104 EXERCISE SOLUTIONS, 111 STUDENT INQUIRY SHEET, 113 v ER -