The managerial revolution: what is happening in the world /
James Burnham
- New York, The John Day, 1945.
- 285 p
The problem (Page-7), The world we lived in (Page-11), The theory of the performance of capitalism (Page-28), The theory of the proletarian socialist revolution (Page-35), The struggle for power (Page-52), The theory of the managerial revolution (Page-63), Who are the managers (Page-68), The managers move towards social dominance (Page-83), The economy of managerial society (Page-96), The managers shift the locus of sovereignity (Page-119), Totalitarianism and managerial society (Page-131), The world policy of the managers (Page-147), The managerial ideologies (Page-157), The russian way (Page-174), The german way (Page-190), The future of the united states (Page-210), Objections (Page-227).