Marlowe, Christopher.

The Tragical history of doctor Faustus / Chrhistopher Marlowe - Lahore Kitab Mahal - 370 p.;

Introduction to christopher marlowe (Page-17), The story of Doctor fanstns (Page-48), Characters of the play (Page-66), The tragical history of Doctor Faustus (Page-72), Plot construction of Doctor Faustus (Page-182), The theme of Doctor Faustus (Page-186), Marlowe and shakespeare the writers of tragedy (Page-199), Spirit of atheism in Doctor Faustus (Page-207), Doctor Faustus a Morality play (Page-215), Doctor Faustus its tragic coutflict (Page-254), Various stages of damnation of Doctor Faustus (Page-275), Selected critical questions with answers (Page-319), Chronology of important dates (Page-368), Select Bibliography (Page-370).

Tragical history
