Development of an EIA curriculum for tertiary level institutions in Pakistan : baseline, development needs, curriculum outline and suggestions for further action / Development of an Environmental Impact Assessment curriculum for tertiary level institutions in Pakistan Editor, Shadmeena Khanum. - 57 pages : charts, forms ; 28 cm

Cover title. "Netherlands Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment" "Development of an EIA Curriculum for Tertiary Level Intuitions in Pakistan was prepared under the National Impact Assessment Programme (NIAP), a joint initiative of the Government of Pakistan and IUCN Pakistan, with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN)."--Page 2 of cover.

Includes bibliographical references (page 49).


Library of Congress -- Islamabad Overseas Office


Education, Higher--Curricula--Pakistan.

333.714 KHA / D48 2014

333.714 KHA