O'Connor, Neil.

Present-day Russian psychology; a symposium by seven authors, edited by Neil O'Connor. - [1st ed.] - Oxford, New York, Pergamon Press [1966] - xv, 201 p. 20 cm. - The Commonwealth and international library. Mental health and social medicine division . - Commonwealth and international library. Mental health and social medicine division. .

Includes bibliographies.

Editor's introduction.--Attention, consciousness, and voluntary control of behaviour in Soviet psychology; philosophical roots and research branches, by J. A. Gray.--Psychotherapy in the Soviet Union, by B. H. Kirman.--Some statistical and cybernetic models in recent Soviet psychology, by P. M. A. Rabbitt.--Abnormal psychology in the U.S.S.R., by R. Lynn.--Soviet psycholinguistics, by D. I. Slobin.--Studies on the mental development of the child, by L. Rahmani.--Contemporary Soviet psychology, by J. Brožek.

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Psychology--History.--Soviet Union
Psychology--Study and teaching--Soviet Union.

BF108.R8 / O3
