Handbook of ambient intelligence and smart environments \
Hideyuki Nakashima, Hamid Aghajan, Juan Carlos Augusto, editors.
- New York : Springer, c2010.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Ambient intelligence and smart environments : a state of the art / Juan Carlos Augusto, Hideyuki Nakashima, Hamid Aghajan -- A survey of distributed computer vision algorithms / Richard J. Radke -- Video-based people tracking / Marcus A. Brubaker, Leonid Sigal and David J. Fleet -- Locomotion activities in smart environments / Björn Gottfried -- Tracking in urban environments using sensor networks based on audio-video fusion / Manish Kushwaha ... [et al.] -- Multi-camera vision for surveillance / Noriko Takemura and Hiroshi Ishiguro -- Collaboration support for mobile users in ubiquitous environments / Babak A. Farshchian and Monica Divitini -- Pervasive computing middleware / Gregor Schiele, Marcus Handte and Christian Becker -- Case study of middleware infrastructure for ambient intelligence environments / Tatsuo Nakajima -- Collaborative context recognition for mobile devices / Pertti Huuskonen, Jani Mäntyjärvi and Ville Könönen -- Security issues in ubiquitous computing / Frank Stajano -- Pervasive systems in health care / Achilles Kameas and Ioannis Calemis -- Human-centered computing / Nicu Sebe -- End-user customisation of intelligent environments / Jeannette Chin, Victor Callaghan and Graham Clarke -- Intelligent interfaces to empower people with disabilities / Margrit Betke -- Visual attention, speaking activity, and group conversational analysis in multi-sensor environments / Daniel Gatica-Perez and Jean-Marc Odobez -- Using multi-modal sensing for human activity modeling in the real world / Beverly L. Harrison, Sunny Consolvo, and Tanzeem Choudhury -- Recognizing facial expressions automatically from video / Caifeng Shan and Ralph Braspenning -- Sharing content and experiences in smart environments / Johan Plomp ... [et al.] -- User interfaces and HCI for ambient intelligence and smart environments / Andreas Butz -- Multimodal dialogue for ambient intelligence and smart environments / Ramón López-Cózar and Zoraida Callejas -- Smart monitoring for physical infrastructures / Florian Fuchs, Michael Berger, and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien -- Spatio-temporal reasoning and context awareness / Hans W. Guesgen and Stephen Marsland -- From autonomous robots to artificial ecosystems / Fulvio Mastrogiovanni, Antonio Sgorbissa, and Renato Zaccaria -- Behavior modeling for detection, identification, prediction, and reaction (DIPR) in AI systems solutions / Rachel E. Goshorn ... [et al.] -- Multi-agent social simulation / Itsuki Noda ... [et al.] -- Multi-agent strategic modeling in a specific environment / Matjaz Gams and Andraz Bezek -- Learning activity models for multiple agents in a smart space / Aaron Crandall and Diane J. Cook -- Mobile agents / Ichiro Satoh -- Ambient human-to-human communication / Aki Härmä -- Smart environments for occupancy sensing and services / Susanna Pirttikangas, Yoshito Tobe, and Niwat Thepvilojanapong -- Smart offices and intelligent decision rooms / Carlos Ramos ... [et al.] -- Smart classroom : bringing pervasive computing into distance learning / Yuanchun Shi ... [et al.] -- Ambient intelligence in the city / Marc Böhlen and Hans Frei -- The advancement of world digital cities / Mika Yasuoka, Toru Ishida and Alessandro Aurigi -- Human factors consideration for the design of collaborative machine assistants / Sung Park, Arthur D. Fisk, and Wendy A. Rogers -- Privacy sensitive surveillance for assisted living : a smart camera approach / Sven Fleck and Wolfgang Strasser -- Data mining for user modeling and personalization in ubiquitous spaces / Alejandro Jaimes -- Experience research : a methodology for developing human-centered interfaces / Boris de Ruyter and Emile Aarts -- Computers in the human interaction loop / A. Waibel ... [et al.] -- Eye-based direct interaction for environmental control in heterogeneous smart environments / Fulvio Corno ... [et al.] -- Middleware architecture for ambient intelligence in the networked home / Nikolaos Georgantas ... [et al.] -- The PERSONA service platform for AAL spaces / Mohammad-Reza Tazari ... [et al.] -- ALADIN : a magic lamp for the elderly? / Edith Maier and Guido Kempter -- Japanese ubiquitous network project : Ubila / Masayoshi Ohashi -- Ubiquitous Korea project / Minkoo Kim ... [et al.].
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9780387938073 (hbk.)
= Handbook of ambient intelligence and smart environments