Cooke, Bill.

Fundamentals of action research. - Four-Volume Set ed. - [S.l.] : Sage Publications Ltd, 2005. - 1688 p. ; 25 cm. - Sage benchmarks in social research methods series. . - Sage benchmarks in social research methods series. .


Fundamentals of Action Research brings together, material, much of it hard to obtain, into one collection. It is a foundation resource for individuals and institutions on which to build their action research knowledge bank and will be the first point of reference for action research practitioners and academics. The content includes entries on action research and other methodologies which have developed out of action research. The editors recognize the eclecticism of the field, but have kept a tight focus on the topic, rather than trying to incorporate all forms of applied and/or participatory social research. More than a general overview, the set explores how the material extends and changes our understanding of the development of the field, and the contributions of key people and ideas within it. The book is initially organized into historically sequenced sections but includes sections for various contemporary branches of action research. Subjects covered include: the pre-history, the foundations, unrecognized classics, the development of action research, action research and the workplace, action research and social change, emergent varieties of action research, action research in the 21st century and the limits of action research. It is a foundation resource for individuals and institutions on which to build their action research knowledge bank and will be the first point of reference for action research practitioners and academics.

1412902207 9781412902205

Sociology & Anthropology: Professional.
Research methods: general.
Social research & statistics.
Action research.
Social Science / Research.
Action research.
