Weinstein, Bob.

I hate my boss! : how to survive and get ahead when your boss is a tyrant, control freak, or just plain nuts! / Bob Weinstein. - [S.l.] : McGraw-Hill, 1997. - 192 p. ; 23 cm.


Whether you work for a tyrant, a control freak, or a bona fide psychotic, this book gives you permission to hate your boss and still manage to be productive. Upbeat and offbeat, this cure for the common-dictator explains why we hate bosses, why the ``perfect boss'' is a pipe dream, how suffering under a bad boss can improve your work, why it's advantageous to be a smart follower, and how to get along--even emphatize--with even the most power-crazed ruler.

0070691940 9780070691940
