Keller, Gerald.

Statistics for management and economics / Gerald Keller. - 6th ed. - [S.l.] : South-Western College Pub, 2002. - 912 p. ; 27 cm. - With cd-rom and infotrac. . - With cd-rom and infotrac. .


STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS is the worldwide best selling business statistics text. It is currently being used at hundreds of colleges and universities throughout the world. This text teaches students how to apply statistics to real business problems through the authors' unique three-step approach to problem solving. Students learn to IDENTIFY the right technique by focusing on the relationship between the problem and data type. They then learn to COMPUTE the answer either by hand, using Excel, or using MINITAB. Finally, they INTERPRET the results in the context of the problem. This approach enhances student comprehension as well as practical skills, and offers maximum flexibility to instructors wishing to teach concepts by hand or with the computer, or by using both hand and computer methods.

0534391869 9780534391867

Economics: Textbooks & Study Guides.
Business mathematics & systems.
Economic statistics.
Mathematics & science.
Probability & statistics.
Business / Economics / Finance.
Statistical methods.
Business & Economics / Business Mathematics.
Business & Economics / Statistics.
Business Mathematics.
Decision Making & Problem Solving.
Mathematics / Probability & Statistics / General.
Probability & Statistics - General.
Economics - Statistical methods.
Management - Statistical methods.
