Murphy, Paul.

Banking online for dummies / Paul Murphy, Michael Meadhra, Paul A. Murphy, Dummies Technology Press. - [S.l.] : Hungry Minds, 1999. - 384 p. ; 24 cm.

Standing in long lines at the bank is a thing of the past. Discover the ways to save yourself time and money by banking online. Even if you've never logged on to the World Wide Web before, Banking Online For Dummies brings you all the information and software you need to get started right away in doing all your banking online -- and taking real control of your money. Banking Online For Dummies guides you safely through the mysteries of online banking, from banking basics to advanced advice on finding, using, and understanding the latest e-commerce and banking news online. Discover the ease of managing all your money with several popular financial software packages -- including Managing Your Money, QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro, Microsoft Money, and AOL BankNOW -- as you master the skills of transferring funds, reviewing your accounts online, paying bills, and more. Plus, the book comes with a bonus CD-ROM that includes Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer Web browsers, trial versions of QuickBooks and QuickBooks Pro, and direct links to the entire universe of online resources listed in the book.

0764504584 (paperback) 9780764504587 (paperback)
