Accounting : a framework for decision making /
Beverley Jackling, Jean Raar, Roy Wigg, Brian Williams, Graeme Wines.
- Australian ed ed.
- [S.l.] : McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2003.
- 992 p. ; 25 cm.
Based on the successful "Accounting: Financial and Organizational Decision making", Carnegie et al., this new edition is intended for use in introductory subjects at both undergraduate and MBA levels. Through the flexible use of chapters, this text can be adapted to suit both accounting and non-accounting majors. It retains the academic rigor of its predecessor, covering both conceptual and procedural detail to provide a framework for decision-making. At the same time, many new pedagogical features have been introduced, to make the text more accessible. This book focuses on the move towards adoption of international accounting standards in Australia.