Baggini, Julian.

Great thinkers A-z / Julian Baggini, Jeremy Stangroom. - [S.l.] : Continuum, 2004. - 284 p. ; 22 cm.

Great Thinkers, AG��Z brings together 100 short, accessible snapshots of the people who have shaped Western thought from the ancient Greeks to today. The snapshots, written by the worldG��s leading experts, describe a major thinkerG��s life and work with suggestions for further reading on each one. Covering philosophers as well as cultural and scientific thinkersG��such as Foucault, Darwin, Einstein and FreudG��who have had a major impact on philosophy, Great Thinkers, AG��Z is the ideal book for anyone interested in the history of ideas and in contemporary thought. Entries include: Adorno, Arendt, Aquinas, Aristotle, Augustine, Avicenna, Ayer, Bacon, Baudrillard, de Beauvoir, Benjamin, Bentham, Bergson, Berkeley, Boethius, Brentano, Butler, Camus, Carnap, Chomsky, Churchland, Cixous, Collingwood, Comte, Craik, Croce, Darwin, Davidson, Deleuze, Dennett, Descartes, Derrida, Dewey, Dilthey, Duns Scotus, Einstein, Foucault, Frege, Freud, Gadamer, Godel, Habermas, Hayek, Hegel, Heidegger, Hobbes, Hume, Husserl, Irigaray, James, Kant, Kierkegaard, Kripke, Kristeva, Kuhn, Leibniz, Levinas, Lewis, Locke, Machiavelli, MacIntyre, Marx, Macmurray, Merleau-Ponty, Mill, Montaigne, Moore, Nagel, Negri, Nietzsche, Nozick, Nussbaum, Paine, Pascal, Peirce, Plato, Plotinus, Popper, Putnam, Pythagoras, Quine, Rawls, Rorty, Rousseau, Russell, Santayana, Sartre, Schopenhauer, Searle, Seneca, Sidgwick, Singer, Socrates, Spinoza, Taylor, Turing, Vico, Weil, Whitehead, Wittgenstein, Zeno.

0826467423 (paperback) 9780826467423 (paperback)