The architecture reader : essential writings from Vitruvius to the present /
edited by A. Krista Sykes.
- New York : G. Braziller, 2007.
- 333p.: ill;. 23cm
TABLE OF CONTENTS Vitruvius,-- from The Ten Books on Architecture,-- circa 25 BCE Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis,-- from The Book of Suger,-- Abbot of St.-Denis, -- On What Was Done Under His Administration and The Other Little Book on the Consecration of the Church of St. --Denis, 1144-1149 -- Leon Battista Alberti, --from On the Art of Building in Ten Books,-- 1486 Andrea Palladio, --from The Four Books on Architecture, --1570 Claude Perrault,-- from Ordonnance for the Five Kinds of Columns After the Method of the Ancients,-- 1683 Etienne-Louis Boull¿e,-- from Architecture, --Essay on Art,-- 1770-1784 Eug¿ne Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc,-- "Style,"-- in Dictionaire raisonn¿,-- 1854-68 Louis Sullivan,-- "The Tall Office Building Artistically Considered," --1896 Frank Lloyd Wright,-- "In the Cause of Architecture," --1908 Adolf Loos, --"Ornament and Crime," --1908 Antonio Sant'Elia,-- "Manifesto of Futurist Architecture,--" 1914 Geoffrey Scott, --from The Architecture of Humanism, --1914 Le Corbusier,-- from Towards a New Architecture, --1923 Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret, --"Five Points towards a New Architecture,--" 1926 Walter Gropius,-- "Principles of Bauhaus Production,--" 1926 Henry-Russell Hitchcock and Philip Johnson,-- from The International Style: ---Architecture since 1922, 1932 R. Buckminster Fuller,-- "Designing a New Industry," --1946 Philip Johnson,-- "The Seven Crutches of Modern Architecture,--" 1955 Louis Kahn,-- "Form and Design,--" 1961 Aldo van Eyck, Untitled Thoughts on Place and Occasion, --1962 Peter Cook and Warren Chalk, editorial from Archigram 3,-- 1963 Robert Venturi,-- from Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture, 1966 Aldo Rossi, --from The Architecture of the City, 1966 Denise Scott Brown, --"Learning from Pop," --1971 Hassan Fathy, from Architecture for the Poor,-- 1973 Peter Eisenman, --"Post-Functionalism,"-- 1976 Charles Jencks,-- "Why Post-Modernism?" --1978 Demetri Porphyrios, "Classicism is not a Style,--" 1983 Juhani Pallasmaa,-- "The Geometry of Feeling:-- The Phenomenology of Architecture,--" 1985 Bernard Tschumi, "De -, Dis -, Ex -," 1989 Rem Koolhaas, --"Bigness or the Problem of Large,--" 1993 Daniel Libeskind, --"Proof of Things Invisible,--" 1997 Greg Lynn, from Animate Form,-- 1999 Norman Foster, --"The Architecture of the Future,--" 1999 Samuel Mockbee,-- interview by Andrea Oppenheimer Dean,-- "The Hero of Hale County,--" 2001 William McDonough and Michael Braungart, --"This Book is Not a Tree,--" in Cradle to Cradle, --2002 Andr¿s Duany,-- "General Agreement on Architecture and Related Matters,--" 2003 Frank Gehry, --"Architecture and Intuition,--" 2003 Sarah Whiting, "Going Public,--" 2003 Shumon Basar,-- "The Poisonous Mixture,--" 2004 Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:-- Architecture.-- Architectural criticism.--