Nelson, Bill.

Guide to computer forensics and investigations / Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Christopher Steuart. - 6th ed. - USA Cengage Learning 2019 - xvi,738 p.;

Computer Forensics and Investigation Processes (Page-1), Understanding Computing Investigations (Page-1), The Investigator's Office and Laboratory (Page-63), Data Acquisitions (Page-93), Processing Crime and Incident Scenes (Page-143), Working with Windows and CLI Systems (Page-195), Current Computer Forensics Tools (Page-267), Linux Boot Processes and File Systems (Page-305), Recovering Graphics Files (Page-339), Virtual Machines, Network Forensics, and Live Acquisitions (Page-415), E-mail Investigations (Page-453), Report Writing for High-Tech Investigations (Page-561), Expert Testimony in High-Tech Investigations (Page-591), Ethics for the Export Witness (Page-631) .


