Reconditioning heavy-duty freeways in urban areas / A. H. Meyer ... [et al.]. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1978. - 60 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Report - National Cooperative Highway Research Program ; 196 0077-5614 . - Report (National Cooperative Highway Research Program) ; 196. .

"The research ... was performed under NCHRP project 14-4 by the Texas Transportation Institute, Texas A&M University."

0309028566 : $6.40


Express highways--Maintenance and repair.
Pavements--Maintenance and repair.
Express highways--Maintenance and repair.--United States
Pavements--Maintenance and repair.--United States

TE7 TE220 / .N25 No. 196

625.708 s 625.761