Gamble, Hays Bentley.

Beneficial effects associated with freeway construction--environmental, social, and economic / Hays B. Gamble and Thomas B. Davinroy. - Washington : Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, 1978. - 110 p. ; 29 cm. - Report - National Cooperative Highway Research Program ; 193 0077-5614 . - Report (National Cooperative Highway Research Program) ; 193. .

"Sponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration."

Includes bibliographies.

0309028523 : $7.80


Express highways--Economic aspects--United States.
Express highways--Social aspects--United States.
Roads--Design and construction--Environmental aspects--United States.
Environmental impact statements.

TE7 HE355 / .N25 no. 193

625.708 s 388.12