Brooks, Walter Henry.

Strength and elasticity of materials and theory of structures. Solutions to examination questions of the University of London. - London, Macdonald [1950-56] - 4 v. diagrs. 22 cm.

Vols. 3-4 have title: Strength and elasticity of materials.

v. 1. pt. 1. (Internal) B. SC. (Engineering) 1938-48.--v. 2. pt. 1. (External) B. SC. (Engineering) 1937-50.--v. 3. pt. 2. (Internal) B. SC. (Engineering) Papers I and II, 1940-1950.--v. 4. pt. 2. (External) B. SC. (Engineering) 1941-1952.

Engineering--Examinations, questions, etc.

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