Forging practice;
Editor-in-chief, Howard Monroe Raymond, assisted by a corps of mechanical engineers, designers, and specialists in shop methods and management.
- Rev. ed.,
- Chicago, American technical society, 1944.
- vii, 136 p. fronts., illus., diagrs. 22 cm.
v. 1. Machine shop work, by F. W. Turner and O. E. Perrigo; revised by Aldrick Bertrand. Modern manufacturing, by H. P. Fairfield and H. W. Dows; revised by Aldrick Bertrand. Machine shop management, by O. E. Perrigo.--v. 2. Pattern making, by James Ritchey; revised by W. W. Monroe, C. W. Beese and P. R. Hall. Practical physics, by G. M. Hobbs. Air tools, by John Oliphant. Slide rule, by W. T. Breckenridge.--v. 3. Foundry work, by W. C. Stimpson and B. L. Gray; revised by John Grennan. Forging practice, by C. G. Johnson.--v. 4. Tool making, by C. B. Cole. Tool design, by C. B. Cole. Dies and sheetmetal stamping, by F. W. Curtis.--v. 5. Metallurgy, by C. G. Johnson, R. S. Dean and J. L. Gregg. Oxyacetylene welding, by R. J. Kehl; revised by M. H. Potter. Electric welding, by M. H. Potter.--v. 6. Blueprint reading, by R. H. Fortman and James McKinney. Practical mathematics, by G. M. Hobbs. Logarithms. Trigonometry, by N. R. George; revised by C. W. Leigh.--v. 7. Mechanical drawing, by Ervin Kenison, T. C. Plumridge and James McKinney. Machine drawing, by C. L. Griffin and R. H. Fortman.--v. 8. Mechanism, by W. H. James and L. S. Smith. Machine design, by S. E. Winston. General index.