The war in South Africa; the advance to Pretoria after Paardeberg, the Upper Tugela campaign, etc.
Prepared in the Historical section of the Great general staff, Berlin. Authorised translation by Colonel Hubert Du Cane.
- London, J. Murray, 1906.
- vii p., 1 l., 374 p. 6 pl., 9 fold. maps. 23 cm.
Part of a work originally published in German under title: "Erfahrungen aussereuropäischer kriege neuester zeit, I: Aus dem südafrikanischen kriege, 1899 bis 1902," in Kriegsgeschichtliche einzelschriften. This section appeared as part of hft. 33 and as hft. 34.
The occupation of Bloemfontein.--Events in Natal after the battle of Colenso up to the relief of Ladysmith.--Survey of the events during the summer of 1900.--Tactical retrospect of the course of the South African war.