Hughes, Sheila

Computer languages handbooks Lisp/ Sheila Hughes - London Great Britian 1986 - 107 p.:

How to Use ihis Hondbook (Page-1),Arilhmetic in Lisp (Page-2Logic ond Predicotes (Page-3Lisp Voriobles ond Volue Assignmenis (Page-5),Lisis ond Functions (Page-9),
List Construction (Page-18, Equolity ond ldentiiy (page-21), More Lisi Accessing Functions 28
More List Operotions Page-31), Arroys (Page-35), Sequence Operotions (Page-42),
Definition of New Functions (Page-41), Bronching (Page-51), Vorioble Binding ond Scoping (Page-56), Recursion (Page-64), Procedurol Siyle, Control Slructures (page-65),
Property Lisis (Page-74), Associotion Lists (Page-71), lleroiion on Lisi Elements (Page-80),
List Surgery (Page-84), Anonymous Functions (Page-86), Function Def initions Revisited BB
Mocro Definition (Page-92), String Operotions (Page-96), lnput ond Outpui Functions (Page-98),
Doio Structure Definition ond Access (Page-99), Diolects of Lisp –(Page-104), lndex (Page-105).

