Wireless communications /
Andrea Goldsmith.
- Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- xxviii, 644 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Overview of Wireless Communications (Page-1), Path Loss and Shadowing (Page-27), Statistical Multipath Channel Models (Page-64), Capacity of Wireless Channels (Page-99), Digital Modulation and Detection (Page-126), Performance of Digital Modulation over Wireless Channels (Page-172), Diversity (Page-204), Coding for Wireless Channels (Page-228), Adaptive Modulation and Coding (Page-283), Multiple Antennas and Space-Time Communications (Page-321), Equalization (Page-351), Multicarrier Modulation (Page-374), Spread Spectrum (Page-403), Multiuser Systems (Page-452), Cellular Systems and Infrastructure-Based Wireless Networks (Page-505), Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Page-535).