Tucker, Jonathan

The Silk Road: Central Asia, Afghanistan and Iran: A Travel Companion / Jonathan Tucker - xvi, 220 p.:

The Old Road through Afghanistan to India (Page-8), Silk Road Sites in Southern Central Asia (Page-16), The Coming of Islam to Central Asia (Page-32), The Mongols (Page-47), Tamerlane (Timur) and the Timurids (Page-58), The Silk Road Sites between Balkh and Nisa (Page-63), The Route North from Merv to Khorzem (Page-74), The Routes North from the Iron Gate Pass (Page-88), The Routes to the North-West from Bukhura to Khorezm (Page-99), Silk Road Sites Around Samarkand (Page-112), The Silk Road between Samarkand and China (Page-121), Parthians and Sasanians (Page-140), The Main East-West Silk Road across Iran (Page-147), The Ray-Tabriz Road (Page-159), The Ray-Hamadan Road (Page-172), The End of the Road: The Silk Road in Decline (Page-180).


General India Travel Guides--Art History --Chinese History
