Snyder, Lori,

Bacterial genetics and genomics / Lori A.S. Snyder. - Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press / Taylor & Francis Group, 2020 - 389 p.

"A Garland Science Book."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

DNA -- Genes -- Genomes -- RNA -- Transcriptional regulation -- Transcriptomes -- Proteins -- Protein folding & structure -- Multiprotein systems & proteomes -- Genetics -- Genomics -- Bioinformatics -- Bacterial response -- Bacterial adaption -- Bacterial evolution -- Gene analysis techniques -- Genome analysis techniques -- Laboratory techniques -- Biotechnology -- Infectious diseases -- Bacteriophage

"A number of genes have been implicated in the virulence of these related yet distinct pathogens, but the genes that define and differentiate the species and their behaviours have not been established. Further, a related species, Neisseria lactamica is not associated with either type of infection in normally healthy people, and lives as a harmless commensal. We have determined which of the genes so far identified in the genome sequences of the pathogens are also present in this non-pathogenic related species"--

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Bacterial Physiological Phenomena



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