Dudley, Underwood

Elementary Number Theory / Underwood Dudley - USA Freeman and company 1969 - vii, 262p.

Integers (Page-1), Unique Factorization (Page-10), Linear Diophantine Equations (Page-20), Congruences (Page-27), Linear Congruences (Page-34), Fermat's and Wilson's Theorems (Page-42), The Divisors of an Integer (Page-50), Perfect Numbers (Page-57), Euler's Theorem and Function (Page-63), Primitive Roots (Page-73), Quadratic Congruences (Page-83), Quadratic Reciprocity (Page-94), Numbers in Other Bases (Page-106), Duodecimals (Page-114), Decimals (Page-119), Pythagorean Triangles (Page-127), Infinite Descent and Fermat's Conjecture (Page-135), Sums of Two Squares (Page-143), Sums of Four Squares (Page-149), Xl - Ny::! = 1 (Page-156),Formulas for Primes (Page-156) Bounds for mx) (Page-164), Additional Problems (Page-177),
