Swift, Randall J.

A course in ordinary differential equations / Randall J. Swift, Stephen A. Wirkus. - Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2007. - 667 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Traditional First order differential equations (Page-1), Geometrical and Numerical Methods for First Order (Page-81), Elements of Higher Order Linear Equations (Page-153), Techniques of higher order linera equations (Page-201), Fundamentals of systems of defferential Equations (Page-287), Techniques of systems of differential equations (Page-353), Laplace Transforms (Page-427), Series Methods (Page-489), An Introduction to Matlab, Maple and Mathematica (Page-565), Graphing Factored Polynomianls (Page-585), Answer to Selected Exercises (Page-631).

1584884762 (alk. paper) 1420010417 9781584884767


Differential equations.
Differential equations, Linear.

QA372 / .S925 2007
