Nation in imagination : essays on nationalism, sub-nationalisms, and narration /
Essays on nationalism, sub-nationalisms, and narration
edited by C. Vijayasree ... [].
- Hyderabad : Orient Longman, 2007.
- xvi, 274 p. ; 25 cm.
Section 1: Re-imagining the Nation (Page-1), Nationalism and the Imagination / Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Page-1), Re-imagining Communities / Helen Tiffln (Page-21), Nationalism and Peculiarities of the Indian / Aijaz Ahmad (Page-37), Varieties of Nationalism: Culture and Resistance in the Indian English Novel / Satish C. Aikant (Page-58), Benedict Anderson Revisited / TimJ. Cribb (Page-73), British Orientalism and the Hindu Nation: Robert Southey's Palimpsest of Kehama, 1800-1810 / Daniel Sanjiv Roberts (Page-88), Nation, Literature and Institutional Change / Leslie Monkman (Page-100), A Roadmap to Civilianisation / Probal Dasgupta (Page-111), The Emperor's New Clothes / Bill Ashcroft (Page-123), Section 2: De-centring the Nation (Page-139), The Caledonian Diaspora in Australia: A Foot in Each Camp / Susan Cowan (Page-139), From Empire to Empire?: Writing the Transnational Anglo-Indian Self in Australia / Debjani Ganguly (Page-150), Gendering Imaginations: Stories by Some Canadian 'Mothers of the Nation' / Wendy Robbins (Page-166), Ghost Spaces, Living Histories: Memory and Photography in Contemporary Native North American Women's Poetry / Jennifer Andrews (Page-192), Woman and Nation in the Works of Contemporary Female Egyptian Writers / Stella Borg Barthet (Page-200), Fabricating Community: Local, National and Global in Three Indian Novels / Paul Sharrad (Page-212), Subversive Migrant Labour in Monica Ali's Brick Lane and Zadie Smith's White Teeth / Devon Campbell-Hall (Page-229), The Nation and the Indian Tribes: A Diachronic View / Ivy Imogene Hansdak. (Page-238).
9788125033639 8125033637
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office Rs795.00
Literature, Modern--History and criticism--Congresses. Nationalism in literature--Congresses.