Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower / William Blum - Pakistan AEPH 2005 - xxv, 308p.

Introduction (Page-1), Ours and theirs: Washington’s love/hate relationship with terrorists and human-rights violators, Why do terrorists keep picking on the United States? (Page-29), America’s gift to the world—the Afghan terrorist alumni (Page-33), Assassinations (Page-38), Excerpts from US Army and CIA Training Manuals (Page-43), Torture (Page-49), The unsavories (Page-58), Training new unsavories (Page-61), War criminals: theirs and ours (Page-68), Haven for terrorists (Page-79), Supporting Pol Pot (Page-87), United States use of weapons of mass destruction, Bombings (Page-92), Depleted uranium (Page-96), Cluster bombs (Page-100), Chemical and biological weapons abroad (Page-103), Chemical and biological weapons at home (Page-113), Encouraging the use of CBW by other nations (Page-120), A Rogue State Versus the World, A concise history of US global interventions, 1945-present (Page-125), Perverting elections (Page-168), Trojan Horse: the National Endowment for Democracy (Page-179), The US versus the world at the United Nations (Page-184), Eavesdropping on the planet (Page-200), Kidnapping and looting (Page-210), How the CIA sent Nelson Mandela to prison for 28 years (Page-215), The CIA and drugs: just say ‘Why not?’ (Page-218), Being the world’s only superpower means never having to say you’re sorry (Page-227), The US invades, bombs and kills for it…but do Americans really believe in free enterprise? (Page-236), A day in the life of a free country…or…how does the United States get away with it? (Page-243).
