India's military modernization : strategic technologies and weapons systems /
edited by Rajesh Basrur, Bharath Gopalaswamy.
- First edition.
- xi, 264 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 23 cm.
- The Oxford international relations in South Asia series .
- Oxford international relations in South Asia series. .
Introduction, Rajesh Basrur and Bharath Gopalaswamy (Page-1), Innovation in Strategic Technologies: India's Experience in a Conceptual and Historical Context, Kartik Bommakanti (Page-10), The Skewed Balance: Technologists' Dominance in India's Military Modernization, Bibhu Prasad Routray (Page-38), India's Nuclear Weaponization: Warheads, Delivery Systems, and Doctrinal Compatibility, T.S. Gopi Rethinaraj (Page-67), India's Operational Nuclear Policy: The Gap between Theory, Practice, and Credibility, Gaurav Kampani (Page-89), Changing Priorities for the Indian Military in Space, Victoria Samson (Page-113), India and Space Security, Bharath Gopalaswamy (Page-144), Indian Options for an Eff ective Ballistic Missile Defence System, Probal Kumar Ghosh (Page-161), Cruise Missiles in India: Key Operational and Technological Issues, Kalyan M. Kemburi and Richard A. Bitzinger (Page-193), Adaptation of Information Superiority in the Indian Armed Forces, Jaganath Sankaran (Page-230).