Pakistan Army Green Book -2017 /
GHQ Rawalpindi
- Rawalpindi, GHQ, 2017.
- 198p.
Globlal Scenario and Pakistan's National Security strategy (Page-4), Mapping UN peacemaking in Kashmir under conflict analysis framework (Page-13), Deradicalisation, Rehablilitation and reintegration of extremists (Page-28), Foriegn policy definition formulation and implementation (Page-42), Inland water transportation in Pakistan (Page-54), Biological weapons covention (Page-70), Security and couter torrorism challenges (Page-80), Evolving paradign of intl relations (Page-84), Looking after our veterans (Page-93), USA Strategy of Rebalancing (Page-116), Pakistan foreign policy (Page-130), Emerging indo US realations (Page-142), Mind contro inaudible effective (Page-150), Securing the CPEC Pakistan living upto the task (Page-160), Climate Change and its impact on Pakistan (Page-173), Pakistan Media (Page-187).