Creative writing in the digital age : theory, practice, and pedagogy / edited by Michael Dean Clark, Trent Hergenrader, and Joseph Rein. - vi, 198 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm

Introduction (Page-1), Digital influences on creative writing studies (Page-5), Using digital tools as creative practice (Page-89), Lost in digital translation : navigating the online creative writing classroom / Joseph Rein (Page-91), Giving an account of oneself : teaching identity construction and authorship in creative nonfiction and social media / Janelle Adsit (Page-105), Reconsidering the online writing workshop with #25 word story / Abigail G. Scheg (Page-121), Writing with machines : data and process in Taroko Gorge / James J. Brown, Jr. (Page-129), Telling stories with maps and rules : using the interactive fiction language "inform 7" in a creative writing workshop / Aaron A. Reed (Page-141), Acting out : netprov in the classroom / Rob Wittig and Mark C. Marino (Page-153), The text is where it's at : digital storytelling assignments that teach lessons in creative writing / Christina Clancy (Page-165), Creative writing for new media / Amy Letter (Page-191).

1472574087 9781472574077 (HB) 9781472574084 (PB) 1472574079 (PB)


Creative writing--Study and teaching.
Creative writing--Computer-assisted instruction.
Creative writing--Web-based instruction.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Composition & Creative Writing.
REFERENCE--Writing Skills.

PE1404 / .C725 2015
