Betrayal of the defence forces : The inside truth /
Vishnu Bhagwat.
- New Delhi : Manas Publications, 2001.
- 416 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Background (Page-13), Entry with a flourish of trumpets (Page-37), Taking over the reins (Page-43), People - The key resources (Page-53), The Navy and the Nation (Page-61), Advanced light helicopter (Page-73), Air defence ship (Page-81), Memorandum of understanding (Page-93), Dawn of Reality (Page-103), Ajit Kumar (Page-109), Selective logic (Page-155), Public outcry (Page-214), The "Defence" Minister (Page-245), Victory or Sacrifice (Page-253), A Matter of honor (Page-261).
Library of Congress -- New Delhi Field Office Rs595.00 ($35.00 U.S.)