Burrus, C.Sidney.

Introduction to Wavelets & Wavelet Transforms / Burrus C.S. - America Prentice-hall 1998 - xiv

Introduction to Wavelets (Page-10, A Multiiresolution Formulation of Wavelet Sysytems (Page-10), Filter Banks and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (Page-31), Bases, Orthogonal Bases, Biorthogonal Bases, Frames, Tight Frames, and Un-Conditional Bases (Page-410, The Scaling Function and Scaling Coefficients, Wavelet and Wavelet Coeffcients (Page-50), Regulation, Moments, and Wavelet System Design (Page-73), Generalizations of the Basic Multiresolution Wavelet System (Page-98), Filter Banks and Transmultiplexers (Page-148), Calculation of the Discrete Wavelet Transform (Page-1880, Wavelet-Based Signal Processing and Applications (Page-196), Summary Overview (Page-219).

