Encryption for Organizations and Individuals: Basics of Contemporary and Quantum Cryptography /
Robert Ciesla
- New York Apress 2020
- 286 p
The First Era of Digital Encryption (Page-1), A Medium-Length History of Digital Cryptography (Page-13), The AES and Other Established Cryptographic Technologies (Page-25), You, Your Organization, and Cryptographic Security (Page-53), Common Attacks against Cryptographic Systems (Page-75), Creating Extremely Secure Encrypted Systems (Page-103), Prohibitions and Legal Issues (Page-149), Quantum Computing: The Next Big Paradigm (Page-175), The Rollicking World of Quantum Mechanics (Page-187), Quantum Information Science 101 (Page-209), Quantum Cryptography (Page-227), Quantum Key Distribution Under Attack (Page-235), Implementations of QKD (Page-247), Post-Quantum Cryptography (Page-257).