Hesthaven, Jan S.

Spectral Mehtods for Time Dependent Problems / Jan S. Hesthaven, Sigal Gottlieb and David Gottlieb - UK Cambridge University Press 2007 - ix, 273

From local to global approximation (Page-5), Trigonometric polynomial approximation (Page-19), Fourier spectral methods (Page-43), Orthogonal polynomials (Page-66), Polynomial expansions (Page-79), Polynomial approximations theory for smooth functions (Page-109), Polynomial spectral methods (Page-117), Stability of polynomial spectral methods (Page-135), Spectral methods for non-smooth problems (Page-153), Discrete stability and time integration (Page-187), Computational aspects (Page-204), Spectral methods on general grids (Page-235).


Spectral Mehtods
