A Lone Long walk : Tales of Life, Love & Duty /
Tahir Mehmood
- Lahore Ferozsons Pvt Ltd 2020
- 116 p
The Choice (Page-9), Candy (Page-12), Love Across Hogh Mountains (Page-17), The Remains (Page-23), Riddle (Page-29), In Sorrows we Die (Page-30), Line (Page-33), A Lone Long Walk (Page-38), From Piccadilly to Gatwick (Page-43), At Crossoroads (Page-48), The Stretch of Rise and Fall (Page-51), Across (Page-57), Pride in Anguish (Page-68), Traveller (Page-71), She Lives in the Garden (Page-79), Dust (Page-85), A Town Bsyond Sorrows (Page-96), The Next Day (Page-102), Nomads (Page-111).