Hassan, Muhammad

Design and Development of a 3D Bio-Printer / Muhammad Hassan - 57p. ; Soft Copy 30cm.

3D Bio-Printing is an advanced technology to fabricate scaffolds. Using this technique, the
scaffolds of various tissues can be printed. A 3D Bio-Printer was designed for fabricating complex
functional living tissues using bioink. Bioink is basically a blend of living cells along with
biochemical materials including growth factors and support components and then printed. The
factors to be considered during the development of a 3D Bio-Printer are compactness (To be placed
in a laminar flow unit), Printing Resolution (Fabrication with high fidelity), Degree of freedom
(Need multiple axes to print 3D construct), printing Speed (High speed required) and Process
Biocompatibility. The aim of this research was to develop a syringe-based 3D Bio-Printer which
may print Biomaterials and cells by considering these factors. The developed 3D Bio-Printer was
then tested by printing a highly viscous hydrogel as proof-of-concept where gelatin was used to
simulate the fluid properties of bioink. The syringe-based 3D Bio-Printer demonstrated a high level
of printing resolution and stable prototype, and so has a potential for use in 3D cell culture after
further in vitro testing

MS Biomedical Engineering (BME)