Siddique, M. Zeeshan

Investigation of Turning Parameter of Machining Inconel 718 / M. Zeeshan Siddique - 72p. Soft Copy 30cm

Sustainable manufacturing systems depends upon two important elements i.e., economy and
productivity. While economy is associated to the processes that are energy efficient having high
output to input ratio, productivity focuses on the quality and quantity. Due to high energy loss and
tool wear, machinability of hard to cut materials such as nickel alloys are always challenging.
Usage of cutting fluids have positive effect on tool life, surface quality while reducing the cutting
forces and temperature. In this study, the effect of input cutting parameters including feed, speed,
cutting depth, and three different types cooling conditions (dry, MQL and wet) on surface
roughness, specific cutting energy and tool wear during turning of Inconel 718 was investigated.
Taguchi design of experiment has been employed for experimental design. To find out the
influence of each input parameter on various output responses Analysis of Variance was
conducted. When machining at optimal machining conditions obtained through ANOVA, energy
consumption was reduced by 27%, while improvement of 30% and 15 % was observed in tool
wear and surface roughness, respectively.

MS Design and Manufacturing Engineering