Matt, Frisbie.

Professional javascript for web developers / Matt Frisbie. - 4th edition. - 1145p.

Foreword (Page-Xlvii), Introduction (Page-Xlix), What Is Javascript? (Page-1), Javascript in Html (Page-13), Language Basics (Page-25), Variables, Scope, and Memory (Page-101), Basic Reference Types (Page-125), Collection Reference Types (Page-167), Iterators and Generators (Page-225), Objects, Classes, and Object-Oriented Programming (Page-251), Proxies and Reflect (Page-323), Functions (Page-349), Promises and Async Functions (Page-391), The Browser Object Model (Page-437), Client Detection (Page-465),The Document Object Model (Page-491), Dom Extensions (Page-543), Dom Levels 2 and 3 (Page-563), Events (Page-601), Animation and Graphics with Canvas (Page-671), Scripting forms (Page-707), Javascript Apis (Page-743), Error Handling and Debugging (Page-823), Xml in Javascript (Page-849), Json (Page-861), Network Requests and Remote Resources (Page-871), Client-Side Storage (Page-919), Modules (Page-945), Workers (Page-969), Best Practices (Page-1035), Appendix A: Es2018 And Es2019 (Page-1067), Appendix B: Strict Mode (Page-1087), Appendix C: Javascript Libraries and Frameworks (Page-1095),Appendix D: Javascript Tools (Page-1101),Index (Page-1113).

