Wine + space : architectural design for vinotheques, wine bars and shops /
Architectural design for vinotheques, wine bars and shops Wine plus space Wine and space
Heinz-Gert Woschek, Denis Duhme, Katrin Friederichs.
- First edition.
- Munch: Gmbh & Co.KG; 2015.
- 143 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm
Includes index.
"In exploring wine, we need to involve our sense: smell, taste, texture and structure are there to be discovered. What role does the environment play in which we indulge our senses in wine? How do different materials, colour and lighting influence our senses when tasting wine? The focus of this publication, richly augmented with overview diagrams and photographs, is on the spaces in which we taste and enjoy wine. The projects introduced here range from vintners' tasting rooms and sales areas to unusual shop concepts and examples of successful restaurants. The intensive exchange between the authors and the architects and owners on site makes it possible to get a glimpse into the way the designs were developed. Which customers did they wish to attract, and what kind of atmosphere needed to be created? And what stipulations regarding display and marketing needed to be met? A short history of the development of wine culture as well as iteresting facts about wine as a product--from its composition and tasting to storage and the many different modes of marketing--deliver background information on this multifaceted subject. Therefore this book is not only intended for architects, designers and other architecture enthusiasts but also offers inspiration to vintners and restaurateurs for design solutions for a contemporary presentation of wine culture--and thereby beguiling wine enthusiasts"--Back cover.
9783955532413 3955532410
Wineries--Design and construction.--Europe Wine cellars--Design and construction.--Europe