Refrigeration Load Calculation Of Cold Storage Box Used For Tomato Storage /
Muhammad Salman Khan
- 77p Soft Copy 30cm
Food loss and waste is a global problem, approximately 40 to 50% of fruits and vegetables are lost annually, exceeding 1.3 billion tons of food globally, with an estimated 750 billion US dollars wasted yearly. Throughout the stages of cultivation, handling, postharvest, storing, processing, distribution, and consumption, food is lost. A smart cold storage and reefer container is a sophisticated thermal and relative humidity control system designed to preserve and effectively use perishable food products. Due to no proper postharvest and transportation management, we are not losing the quantity, but we are also affected by losing nutritional quality of vegetables and fruits. The present study focused on reducing post-harvest loss of fruits and vegetables, more specifically on tomatoes during storing and transportation by providing an energy efficient small size solar powered smart cold storage solution with real time remote control of temperature and relative humidity. Solar panels are installed on the roof and walls of cold storage boxes for power generation during peak hours and batteries are installed for backup during low solar hours. The cooling is achieved by Vapor compression cycle. The temperature and percent relative humidity are set by a mobile app and are controlled by microcontroller. The cold storage box can be placed in ambient and can also be fixed in a vehicle for transportation as reefer container. The cold storage box includes both hardware and software parts, this IoT based control system is tested on a 110 liters DC chest freezer. The modeling of the temperature and relative humidity distribution inside cold storage walls was done using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).