Hamza, M Ghazi

Evaluation of different metal cutting models during machining of Inconel-718 / M Ghazi Hamza - 42p. Soft Copy 30cm

Inconel-718 is a nickel-based aerospace alloy that has large domain of applications in the
aerospace industry and also in ground-based turbines. Machining of Inconel-718 is a very
difficult process as it is able to retain its strength even at high temperatures resulting in a lot of
tool wear and making it difficult to machine, thus making it a topic of interest among
researchers. In order to study the orthogonal machining process of this material, development of
a FEM model, in Abaqus software, which can simulate the process with good accuracy is
extremely important. To simulate the plastic deformation and damage of Inconel-718, during the
machining process, different material modelling techniques are available in the literature. Among
these material models, Johnson Cook Plasticity model is widely accepted as being more accurate.
When modelling the machining process using FEM, the Johnson Cook Plasticity model is
utilized to forecast the plastic deformation and behaviour of a material. However, there are
different values of parameters, involved in the JC model equation, available in the literature
which have been derived experimentally. Using these different values of parameters in the
simulation process of machining brings a variation in the output values. Thus, the need to
evaluate these different models arises. This research will focus on identifying which model
proves to be more accurate in predicting the cutting forces during machining of Inconel-718.
Results obtained from each model will be compared to the experimental results and a conclusion
will be derived about which model is preferrable to be used in simulation this process in future.

MS Mechanical Engineering