Analytical Modeling and Finite Element Simulation of Aluminum and Steel sheet using Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) /
Abdullah Pal
- 73p. Soft Copy 30cm
Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is an incredibly new flexible forming system. ISF has first-rate adaptability to standard milling machines and requires minimum use of complicated tooling, dies and forming press, which makes the process cost-effective and smooth to automate for numerous applications. Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) is an advanced forming process used to obtain application specific, customized, symmetric or asymmetric shapes that are required for automobile and aircraft industries for specific purposes. Hemispherical tool used in this forming process consecutively forces the sheet to deform locally and ultimately gives the target profile. Various machining parameters, like forming feed, lubrication and step size are varied to get the best working parameters for the incremental sheet forming. AA-5083 and AISI 1005 grade materials are used for comparison and best results. After validating the Abaqus model with previous work, a material model was ready for both materials. Mesh convergence was done with different element size. Blank sheet is used as a deformable part and tool is used as an analytically rigid part. Hemispherical tip tool used in this forming process consecutively forces the sheet to deform locally and ultimately gives the target profile. Interaction between the tool and sheet is surface to surface with kinematic constraint method. Three boundary conditions were used one for the sheet and two for the tool. Finite element Simulations were done by varying the three process parameters using explicit dynamic analysis and the results were observed. Output parameters were Forming Force in z-axis (RF3), Total Strain energy (ALLIE), External work (ALLWK) and Von Mises stress. Results shows that as the step size increases the forming force, energy and stresses increases. When the feed increases the forming force and stresses decreases whereas the energies increases. In the end, when coefficient of friction increases forming force and stresses decreases. Experimentation will be done in near future to validate the results.