Bass, Len,

Software architecture in practice / Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman. - Fourth edition. - pages cm - Sei series in software engineering .

Part I: Introduction (Pag-1), Part II: Quality Attributes (Pag-39), Part III: Architectural Solutions (Pag-217), Part IV: Scalable Architecture Practices (Page-277), Part V: Architecture and the Organization (Page-367).

"Fully updated and with nine new chapters, this new edition thoroughly explains what software architecture is, why it's important, and how to design, instantiate, analyze, evolve, and manage an architecture in a disciplined and effective way. Three renowned software architects cover all important aspects of the architectural lifecycle, presenting ready-to-use guidance, authoritative methods, and tested models you can apply to any project, no matter how complex. Their practical, empirically-proven advice helps you master the complexities of: fathering architectural requirements; designing, documenting, and analyzing architectures; architecting for performance, modifiability, security, availability, interoperability, testability, usability, deployability, and other key quality attributes; managing and refining existing architectures, and transforming them to solve new problems and leverage new approaches"--


