Data structures and abstractions with Java /
Frank M. Carrano, University of Rhode Island, Timothy M. Henry, New England Institute of Technology.
- Fifth edition.
- xxvi, 929 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
1.Bags, 2.Bag Implementations That Use Arrays, 3.A Bag Implementation That Links Data, 4.The Efficiency of Algorithms, 5. Stacks, 6.Stack Implementations, 7.Queues, Deques, and Priority Queues, 8.Queue, Deque, and Priority Queue Implementations, 9.Recursion, 10.Lists, 11.A List Implementation That Uses an Array, 12.A List Implementation That Links Data, 13.Iterators for the ADT List, 14.Problem Solving With Recursion, 15.An Introduction to Sorting, 16.Faster Sorting Methods, 17.Sorted Lists, 18.Inheritance and Lists, 19.Searching, 20.Dictionaries, 21.Dictionary Implementations, 22.Introducing Hashing, 23.Hashing as a Dictionary Implementation, 24.Trees, 25.Tree Implementations, 26.A Binary Search Tree Implementation, 27.A Heap Implementation, 28.Balanced Search Trees, 29.Graphs, 30.Graph Implementations.