Fairbairn, Gavin.

Reading, writing and reasoning: a guide for students a guide for students / Gavin J. Fairbairn, Christopher Winch. - 2nd ed. - Philadelphia, Pa. : Open University Press, 1996. - 235 p.

If you find writing essays difficult and leave them to the last minute, if you panic as the deadline for submission approaches then this is the book for you. This guide will enable you to develop essential skills in reading, writing and reasoning. The authors are both very experienced in helping students to develop proficiency in these areas. Written in plain language, the book encourages the development of skills in reading and evaluating texts, in the use of a clear and effective writing style and in cogent argument. The practical advice, examples and exercises are invaluable for all students who would like to become better readers, writers and reasoners.



Study skills.
Reading (Higher education)
English language--Style.
