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Work And Productivity Kawal L.Hira

by Kawal L.Hira.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Delhi Oxford & IBH 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.314 HIR 1993 (1).
Prictical English Usage New International Student's Edition Michael Swan

by Michael Swan.

Edition: New International Student's Edition Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: UK Oxford 2005Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
Man and Money: Towards an Alternative Basis Of Credit Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad

by Shaikh Mahmud Ahmad.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi Ameena Saiyid,Oxford University press 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 382.82 AHM 2002 (1).
Understanding Organizational Behaviour Udai Pareek

by Udai Pareek.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University press 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.0091724 PAR 2004 (1).
The Pursuit of Victory From Napoleon to Saddam Hussein Brian Bond

by Brian Bond.

Edition: Pakistan EditionMaterial type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi Pakistan Oxford 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 327.1170903 BON 1998 (1).
The Informal Sector In Urban Economy: Low Income Housing In Lahore Imtiaz Alvi

by Imtiaz Alvi.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi Oxford University Press 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 305.56920549143 ALV 1997 (1).
Competitiveness and bound tariff requirements of Indian agricultural commodities / Gopal Naik ... [et al.].

by Naik , Gopal | Naik, Gopal | Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Centre for Management in Agriculture.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi : Oxford & IBH Pub. Co., c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 338.10954 NAI 2004 (1).
Developments in the management of human resources : an analytical review / John Storey.

by Storey, John, 1947-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Oxford, UK ; Cambridge, Mass., USA : Blackwell, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.3 STO 1992 (1).
Understanding customers / Chris Rice.

by Rice, Chris | Rice, Chris. Consumer behaviour | Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Edition: 2nd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1997Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.8342 RIC 1997 (1).
Practical English usage / Michael Swan. New International Students's Edition

by Swan, Michael.

Edition: 3rd ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: China Oxford University Press, 2005 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 428.24 SWA 2005 (1).
Oil change : perspectives on corporate transformation / Art Kleiner, George Roth ; with Ann Thomas, Toni Gregory, Edward Hamell.

by Kleiner, Art | Roth, George, 1957-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 333.8230973 KLE 2000 (1).
Management Information Systems Mahadeo Jaiswal

by Jaiswal,Mahadeo.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: India Oxford University Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.4038 JAI 2004 (1).
Total management thinking / Sultan Kermally. Ideas that are transforming Management.

by Kermally, Sultan.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1996Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 658.4 KER 1996 (1).
Human Development in South Asia 2001 Globalisation and Human Development Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre

by Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre | Mahbub ul Haq Human Development Centre.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi Pakistan OXFORD University Press 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 338.95 HAQ (2).
Mathematical Education of Engineers Edited by L.R. Mustoe and S. Hibberd

by Edited by L.R. Mustoe and S. Hibberd.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 510.71141 MAT 1995 (1).
Ethics in Management Vendantic Perspectives S.K Chakraborty

by S.K Chakraborty.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New Delhi Oxford University Press 1995Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 174.4 CHA 1995 (1).
Religion and Politics in Saljuq Iran Negotiating Ideology and Religious Inquiry OMID SAFI


Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Pakistan OXFORD 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 297.272095491 SAF 2007 (2). Checked out (1).
Rethinking The Vote The Politics and Prospects of American Election Reform ANN N. CRIGLER


Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York Oxford University Press 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 324.60973 CRI 2004 (1).
Economic Factors in the Making of Pakistan 1921-1947. Naureen Talha

by Talha,Naureen.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi ameena saiyid, Oxford University press 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 954.030882971 TAL 2000 (1).
Jinnah: speeches and statements 1947-1948 / S.M. Burke

by Burke , S.M.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi : Oxford , 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 954.9042 BUR 2000 (4).
Business Research Methods Alan Bryman and Emma Bell

by Alan Bryman and Emma Bell.

Edition: International Fourth Edition Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: UK Oxford 2015Availability: Items available for loan: Central Library (CL)Call number: 650.072 BRY 10350 (1).
The construction of buildings -. Volume 5 / Robin Barry.

by Barry, Robin.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Oxford Wiley-Blackwell, 1998Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 690 BAR 1998 (3).
Mazaar, Bazaar: design and visual culture in Pakistan edited and designed by Saima Zaidi.

by [Zaidi, Samia].

Publisher: Karachi: Oxford University Press c.2009Availability: No items available : Checked out (1).
The construction of buildings : multi-storey buildings, foundations and substructures, structural steel frames, floors and roofs, concrete, concrete structural ... ... walls and cladding of framed buildings / Robin Barry.

by Barry, Robin.

Edition: 5th ed. Publisher: Oxford Wiley-Blackwell, 2001Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 690 BAR 2001 (3).
Ancient cities of the Indus valley civilization / Jonathan Mark Kenoyer.

by Kenoyer, Jonathan M.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Karachi : Islamabad : Oxford University Press ; American Institute of Pakistan Studies, 1998Other title: Indus valley civilization.Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 934 KEN 1998 (1).
Modern architecture / Alan Colquhoun.

by Colquhoun, Alan.

Publisher: Oxford : New York : Oxford University Press, 2002Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents only | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 724.6 COL 2002 (3).
Understanding historic building conservation / edited by Michael Forsyth.

by Forsyth, Michael, 1951-.

Publisher: Oxford, UK ; Malden, MA : Blackwell, 2007Online access: Table of contents only | Contributor biographical information | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 690.24 FOR 2007 (1).
The practice of construction management : people and business performance / Barry Fryer, with contributions from Marilyn Fryer.

by Fryer, Barry G | Fryer, Marilyn | Egbu, Charles O | Ellis, Robert | Gorse, Christopher A.

Edition: 4th ed. / revised by Charles Egbu, Robert Ellis & Christopher Gorse Publisher: Oxford, U.K. ; Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Pub., c2004Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 624.068 FRY 2004 (1).
Principles of structures / Ariel Hanaor.

by Hanaor, Ariel.

Publisher: Oxford, England ; Malden, MA : Blackwell Science, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 624.1771 HAN 1998 (1).
HVAC engineer's handbook / F. Porges.

by Porges, F.

Edition: 11th ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 697 POR 2001 (1).
The concise townscape / Gordon Cullen.

by Cullen, Gordon.

Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995 printingOther title: Townscape.Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 307.1216 CUL 1995 (1).
Solar house : a guide for the solar designer / Terry Galloway.

by Galloway, Terry R.

Publisher: Oxford ; Burlington, MA : Architectural Press, 2004Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 690.837 GAL 2004 (1).
Urban design : a typology of procedures and products / Jon Lang.

by Lang, Jon T.

Publisher: Oxford ; Burlington, MA : Elsevier/Architectural Press, c2005Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 711.4 LAN 2005 (1).
Structure and architecture / Angus J. Macdonald.

by Macdonald, Angus J.

Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 624.177 MAC 1994 (1).
Space grid structures / John Chilton.

by Chilton, John.

Publisher: Oxford, UK ; Boston, Mass. : Architectural Press, 2000Online access: Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 624.1773 CHI 2000 (1).
Architecture: design notebook / A. Peter Fawcett ; illustrated by the author.

by Fawcett, A. Peter.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Oxford : Architectural, 2003Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 721 FAW 2003 (1).
Design-tech : building science for architects / Jason Alread and Thomas Leslie.

by Alread, Jason | Leslie, Thomas, 1967-.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Burlington, MA : Architectural Press, 2007Online access: Table of contents only | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 721 ALR 2007 (1).
Landscape detailing / Michael Littlewood.

by Littlewood, Michael.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture, 1993-1997Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 717 LIT 1997 (1).
Estimating for builders and surveyors, second edition / R D Buchan, Eric Fleming, Fiona E K Grant.

by Buchan, R D | Fleming, Eric | Grant, Fiona E K.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Oxford Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 692.5 BUC 2003 (1).
Stadia : a design and development guide / Geraint John, Rod Sheard.

by John, Geraint | Sheard, Rod | [Vickery, Ben].

Publisher: Oxford [England] ; Boston : Butterworth-Architecture, 1994Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 725.8043 JOH 1994 (1).
How designers think : the design process demystified / Bryan Lawson.

by Lawson, Bryan.

Edition: Completely rev. 3rd ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Architectural Press, c1997Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 720 LAW 1997 (1).
Stairs / Alan and Sylvia Blanc.

by Blanc, Alan | Blanc, Sylvia | Blanc, Alan.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Architecture Press, 2001Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 694.6 BLA 2001 (1).
Design first : design-based planning for communities / David Walters, Linda Brown.

by Walters, David | Brown, Linda.

Publisher: Oxford : Architectural, 2004Online access: Table of contents | Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 307.1216 WAI 2004 (1).
Landscape detailing / Michael Littlewood.

by Littlewood, Michael.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Butterworth Architecture, 1993-1997Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 717 LIT 1997 (1).
Lit interior / William J Fielder BSEE University of Florida 1969 graduate studies at the University of Santa Clara California registered Professional Engineer Certified Energy Manager, Frederick H Jones PhD Florida State University and International College.

by Manager, William J Fielder BSEE University of Florida 1969 graduate studies at the University of Santa Clara California registered Professional Engineer Certified Energy | College, Frederick H Jones PhD Florida State University and International.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Oxford Architectural Press, 2002Online access: Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 621.322 FIE 2002 (1).
Institutional barriers to sustainable urban transport in Pakistan / Muhammad Imran ; foreword by Nicholas Low.

by Imran, Muhammad, Ph. D.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Karachi : Oxford University Press, 2010Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 388.409549 IMR 2010 (1).
Urban social theory : city, self, and society / Michael Bounds.

by Bounds, Michael.

Publisher: South Melbourne, Vic. ; Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 307.76 BOU 2004 (1).
A New theory of urban design / Christopher Alexander ... [et al.].

by Alexander, Christopher.

Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 1987Online access: Publisher description | Contributor biographical information Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 711.401 NEW 1987 (1).
Human aspects of urban form : towards a man-environment approach to urban form and design / Amos Rapoport.

by Rapoport, Amos.

Edition: 1st ed. Publisher: Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 309.262 RAP 1977 (1).
Sustainable architecture : European directives and building design / Brian Edwards.

by Edwards, Brian | Edwards, Brian, 1944-.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Oxford ; Boston : Architectural Press, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: School of Art Design and Architecture (SADA)Call number: 720.47 EDW 1999 (1).
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