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Introduction to business data processing / D. K. Carver.

by Carver, D. K.

Edition: 2nd Publisher: New York, John Wiley [1974]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 001.64,CAR (1).
Essentials of computing / H.L. Capron.

by Capron, H. L.

Publisher: Redwood City, Calif. : Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., c1992Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,CAR (2).
Information processing / Marilyn Bohl.

by Bohl, Marilyn.

Edition: 3d ed. Publisher: Palo Alto, CA : Science Research Associates, c1980Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,BOH (1).
Business data processing / George J. Brabb, Gerald W. McKean.

by Brabb, George Jacob | McKean, Gerald W.

Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., c1982Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 651.8,BRA (1).
Modern Data Processing / Robert R. Arnold, Harold C. Hill [and] Aylmer V. Nichols.

by Arnold, Robert R | Hill, Harold C | Nichols, Aylmer V.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: New York, Wiley [1972]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,ARN (1).
Chemical Information Systems / edited by Janet E. Ash & Ernest Hyde.

by Ash, Janet E | Hyde, Ernest.

Publisher: Chichester, New York, E. Horwood; Halsted Press [1975, c1974]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 003.54,ASH (1).
Dictionary of information technology / S.M.H. Collin.

by Collin, S. M. H | Collin, P. H.

Publisher: india Universal Book 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 003.5403,COL (1).
Input/output / by the editors of Time-Life Books.

by Time-Life Books.

Publisher: Alexandria, Va. : Time-Life Books, c1990Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,INP (1).
Signals, systems, and the computer / Paul M. Chirlian.

by Chirlian, Paul M.

Publisher: New York, Intext Educational Publishers [1973]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.21,CHI (1).
Reliable EDP application design / Tom Gilb,

by Gilb, Tom.

Edition: 1st [U.S.] ed. Publisher: New York, Petrocelli Books, 1974 [c1973]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 001.64,GIL (1).
Structured systems analysis through Prolog / Terry Goble.

by Goble, Terry.

Publisher: New York : Prentice Hall, 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.21,GOB (1).
Mathematical problem-solving with the microcomputer : Projects to increase your BASIC programming skill / Stephen L. Snover, Mark A. Spikell.

by Snover, Stephen L | Spikell, Mark A.

Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, c1982Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.16,SNO (1).
Programming the IBM personal computer : business basic Wilson T. Price.

by Price, Wilson T.

Publisher: New York : Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, c1984Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 001.642,PRI (1).
Distributed computing : principles and applications / M.L. Liu.

by Liu, M. L.

Publisher: Boston : Pearson/Addison Wesley, c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.35,LIU (1).
Real-Time systems / by Jane W.S. Liu.

by Liu, Jane W. S.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.33,LIU (2).
Building an open system / Jacob Slonim.

by Slonim, Jacob, 1945-.

Publisher: New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1987Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.36,SLO (1).
Introduction to real-time software design / S.T. Allworth.

by Allworth, S. T.

Publisher: New York, NY, USA : Springer-Verlag, [1984], c1981Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.33,ALL (2).
Distributed processing and data communications / Daniel R. McGlynn.

by McGlynn, Daniel R.

Publisher: New York : Wiley, c1978Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.6,MCG (1).
Distributed systems management / Alwyn Langsford, Jonathan D. Moffett.

by Langsford, Alwyn | Moffett, Jonathan D.

Publisher: Wokingham, Eng. ; Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1993Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.65,LAN (1).
Fundamentals of network analysis and synthesis / Behrouz Peikari

by Peikari, Behrouz.

Publisher: Jaico Pub House Prentice-Hall 2006Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.65,PEI (1).
Finite element programming / E. Hinton and D. R. J. Owen.

by Hinton, E | Owen, D. R. J.

Publisher: London ; New York : Academic Press, 1977Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.1,HIN (1).
A programmer's companion to algorithm analysis / Ernst L. Leiss.

by Leiss, Ernst L.

Publisher: Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2007Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents only Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.1,LEI (1).
Modern software tools for scientific computing / Erlend Arge, Are Magnus Bruaset, Hans Petter Langtangen, editors.

by Arge, Erlend, 1960- | Bruaset, A. M | Langtangen, Hans Petter, 1962-.

Publisher: Mumbai Jaico publishing house 2004Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.1,MOD (1).
Computing : An introduction to structured problem solving using PASCAL / V.A. Dyck ... [et al.].

by Dyck, V. A.

Publisher: Reston, Va. : Reston Pub. Co., c1982Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.113,DYC (1).
Fundamentals of computing II : abstraction, data structures, and large software systems / Allen B. Tucker ... [et al.].

by Tucker, Allen B.

Edition: C++ ed. Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1995Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,TUC (1).
Data processing, an introduction / Donald D. Spencer.

by Spencer, Donald D.

Publisher: Columbus : C. E. Merrill Pub. Co., c1978Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004 SPE (3).
Computers today, with BASIC / Donald H. Sanders.

by Sanders, Donald H | Sanders, Donald H.

Edition: 3rd ed. Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1988Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,SAN (2).
Computers and information processing : concepts and applications / Steven L. Mandell.

by Mandell, Steven L | Mandell, Steven L.

Edition: 4th edition Publisher: St. Paul : West Pub. Co., c1987Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,MAN (1).
Principles of data processing / Steven L. Mandell.

by Mandell, Steven L.

Edition: 2nd. Publisher: St. Paul : West Pub. Co., c1981Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,MAN (2).
Principles of data processing / Steven L. Mandell.

by Mandell, Steven L.

Publisher: St. Paul : West Pub. Co., c1978Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 001.64,MAN (1).
Computers / Larry Long, Nancy Long.

by Long, Larry E | Long, Nancy, 1947-.

Edition: 5th ed. Publisher: Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1998Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,LON (1).
Schaum's outline of theory and problems of data processing / by Martin M. Lipschutz and Seymour Lipschutz.

by Lipschutz, Martin M | Lipschutz, Seymour.

Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1981Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,LIP (1).
Basic concepts in data processing / Marjorie Leeson.

by Leeson, Marjorie.

Publisher: Dubuque, Iowa : W. C. Brown Co., [1975]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004 LEE (1).
Learning data analysis with Data Desk student version 5.0 / Paul F. Velleman.

by Velleman, Paul F | Velleman, Paul F, 1949-.

Publisher: Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1997Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,VEL (1).
MCSE Windows 2000 professional : (Include CD) exam 70-210, training guide / Gord Barker, Douglas Harrison.

by Barker, Gord | Harrison, Douglas.

Publisher: Indianapolis, IN : Que, c2003Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,BAR (1).
Introduction to computing for engineers / William E. Mayo, Martin Cwiakala.

by Mayo, William E | Cwiakala, Martin.

Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, c1991Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.00285,MAY (1).
Pascal for engineers / David T. Barnard, David B. Skillicorn.

by Barnard, David T | Skillicorn, David B.

Publisher: Boston : Allyn and Bacon, c1988Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,BAR (1).
Sams teach yourself J2EE in 21 days / Martin Bond ... [et al.].

by Bond, Martin | Bond, Martin, 1958-.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: New Delhi Pearson Education c2004Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,BON (1).
Computers and information processing : with software tutorial and BASIC / James A. O'Brien.

by O'Brien, James A | O'Brien, James A, 1936-.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: Homewood, Ill. : R.D. Irwin, 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004,OBR (2).
J2EE best practices : Java design patterns, automation, and performance / Darren Broemmer.

by Broemmer, Darren.

Publisher: Indianapolis, Ind. : Wiley, c2003Online access: Contributor biographical information | Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,BRO (1).
How to buy an office computer or word processor / Brian C. Donohue.

by Donohue, Brian C.

Publisher: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.16,DON (1).
Digital system design automation : languages, simulation & data base / edited by Melvin A. Breuer ; contributing authors, M. H. MacDougall ... [et al.].

by Breuer, Melvin A | MacDougall, M. H.

Publisher: Woodland Hills, Calif. : Computer Science Press, [1975]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.16,DIG (1).
OCP : Oracle8i DBA SQL and PL/SQL study guide / Chip Dawes, Biju Thomas.

by Dawes, Chip | Thomas, Biju.

Publisher: San Francisco : Sybex, c2000Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 005.133,DAW (1).
Official (ISC) guide to the CISSP CBK (Include CD) / edited by Harold F. Tipton and Kevin Henry.

by Henry, Kevin | Tipton, Harold F.

Publisher: Boca Raton, FL : Auerbach Publications, c2007Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.6,OFF (1).
A parallel algorithm synthesis procedure for high-performance computer architectures / Ian N. Dunn and Gerard G.L. Meyer.

by Dunn, Ian N | Meyer, Gerard G. L.

Publisher: New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2003Online access: Publisher description | Table of contents Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.35,DUN (1).
Discrete mathematical structures with applications to computer science / J. P. Tremblay, R. Manohar.

by Tremblay, Jean-Paul | Manohar, R, 1925-.

Publisher: New York : McGraw-Hill, [1975]Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 510.240901,TRE (1).
Data analysis of asymmetric structures : advanced approaches in computational statistics / Takayuki Saito, Hiroshi Yadohisa.

by Saito, Takayuki | Yadohisa, Hiroshi.

Publisher: New York : Marcel Dekker, c2005Online access: Publisher description Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 519.502,SAI (1).
The Complete practical guide to bioinformatics for life scientists : Bioinformatics computing / Bryan Bergeron.

by Bergeron, Bryan P.

Publisher: Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall/Professional Technical Reference, c2003Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 572.8,BER (1).
Macmillan Dictionary of data communications / Charles J. Sippl.

by Sippl, Charles J | Sippl, Charles J.

Edition: 2nd ed. Publisher: New York : Wiley, c1985Availability: Items available for loan: Military College of Signals (MCS)Call number: 004.603,SIP (1).
Quick finite elements for electromagnetic waves / Giuseppe Pelosi, Roberto Coccioli.

by Pelosi, Giuseppe | Coccioli, Roberto.

Publisher: Boston, Mass. : Artech House, 1998Availability: Items available for reference: Military College of Signals (MCS) Not for loanCall number: 621.3813,PEL (1). :
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